Positive Outcomes from Sustainable Farming Incentive
The first part of England’s domestic agricultural subsidy policy, the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) scheme, has shown some positive statistics for 2023.
430,000 hectares of arable land not being farmed with insecticides - 101,000 hectares of low input grassland being managed sustainably - 34,000 kilometres of hedgerow under SFI management (April 2024).
Defra are realising the behavioural change of our land managers – with many of us commitment to new actions on land not previously managed for the environment.
With recent news of the National Trust celebrating its achievement of 25,000 hectares of priority habitat (2015-2025 target), there is plenty to be optimistic about if you, like me, wish to see develop a mutually beneficial relationship between agriculture and environment.
Wild flower/pollen rich margins and field corner options have not seen a high take up in SFI 2023 (Defra, April 2024). This might suggest a perceived incompatibility with farming by land managers.
Although the scheme requires such margins to be sown around arable land, temporary grassland or permanent crops, I sowed 10 kilograms of seed around a 2.5 acre permanent pasture field in early May. The seed cost me £75, packed with perennial fescue grasses, clovers and wild flowers. Two tamworth pigs provided the necessary pre-planting preparations. With two runs with the harrow and roll, I estimate my total setup costs to be £300 for half an acre of planting area. Countryside Stewardship and SFI would pay me £161 per year for a five year contract (£805).
The sheep have been released back into the field and immediately drawn to these margins which suggests to me a superior nutritional quality of food , compared to the older grasses. The seed mix was predominantly fescue grasses, with three varieties making up 80% of the overall seed mix. From year 2 when we will have a more established margin, we will see benefits for insects and pollinators. The fescue grasses will require minimal growing input and are tolerant to draught. I may hope to see a number of long term advantages for both profit and environment.